<aside> ➕ You can create a task from any tab with the keyboard shortcut option + space on Mac (or ctrl + space on Windows).


  1. Hit option + space on Mac (or ctrl + space on Windows) from any tab to create a task.


  2. Enter your task name.


  3. Choose how long the task will take.


  4. Choose the task priority. Higher priority tasks will be prioritized.


  5. Choose your deadline.


Additional Options

At the top of the create task screen, there are additional options you can add to task.


  1. Project. If you have projects, you can add a project tag to a task.
  2. Notes. Add a description to your task.
  3. Start Date. You can add a start date to your task if you'd like to schedule your task between a certain date and the deadline.
  4. Work hours. Choose which schedule your task will be scheduled in.
  5. Recurring. Create a recurring task. Learn more about recurring tasks here.